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Naturalist guide / lecturer on expedition cruises for "Le Ponant" company - Arctic season 2022
Conception of outreach wrokshops and conferences for "Science Party" 2015 - 2019 - 2020
Co-realisation of outreach movies (plankton sampling - clean lab' routine - mass spectrometry analyses)
Highscool lab' visits and scientific animations
Member of the organizing committee of the 6th doctoral conference of the Lyon Univers Science Observatory
"Science Party" 2019
Audiences: adults and childrens
Oceanographic Laboratory of Villefranche-sur-Mer
Highschool lab' visit 2020
Audience: highschool students
Oceanographic Laboratory of Villefranche-sur-Mer
Naturalist arctic guide 2022
Audience: adults
"Le Ponant" company
Practical work
Magmatic petrology
Metamorphism petrology
Inorganic Geochemistry
Volcanism and eruptive dynamisms
Velay volcanism
Cevennes metamorphism
Hercynian History
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